Imperialism and national question in Nelson Werneck Sodré

Imperialism and national question in Nelson Werneck Sodré

  • Carlos Alberto Cordovano Vieira UNICAMP
  • Fabio Antonio de Campos Instituto de Economia - Universidade estadual de Campinas (IE/UNICAMP)


This paper proposes to discuss the national question in Nelson Werneck Sodré’s works on Brazilian history and its crucial moments between the Independence process and the revolutionary conjuncture in the decade of 1960 (1822-1964). In Sodré’s perspective, national question emerges from “people” struggle against the deleterious conditions imposed by imperialist domination. Our hypothesis is that these crucial moments can
only be understood in the contest of capitalist’s crisis in its imperialist period, since the First World War and the Russian Revolution, considering national and anticolonial struggles as one of its expressions.


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How to Cite
VIEIRA, C. A. C.; DE CAMPOS, F. A. Imperialism and national question in Nelson Werneck Sodré. Economic History & Business History, v. 22, n. 1, 8 Jul. 2019.