A circulação monetária no Vice-Reinado do Rio do Prata (1776-1810)

  • Alexandre Jeronimo de Freitas DeCE/UFRRJ


This paper aims to analyze the main elements that form the monetary area that flour ished from the creation of the Viceroyalty of the River Plate. On the one hand, it will be seen how the reorganization of the defense strategy of the Spanish crown of his possessions in America strengthened the growth of the public credit in the through the financing of the military spent. On the other hand, the reform in the Spanish trading system has created a new commercial route linking the Atlantic trade with Upper Peru region, through the Port of Buenos Aires. This trade stimulated the formation of a chain of payments supported by the issuing of private instruments of credit. As much for the public as for private credit, the credit growth in the region was the basis for the formation of a complex monetary system in the Viceroyalty of the River Plate.


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How to Cite
DE FREITAS, A. J. A circulação monetária no Vice-Reinado do Rio do Prata (1776-1810). Economic History & Business History, v. 20, n. 2, 15 Dec. 2017.