Infraestrutura e desenvolvimento: estudo de caso sobre os Estados Unidos no século XIX

estudo de caso sobre os Estados Unidos no século XIX

  • Fernando Dall'Onder Sebben Senado Federal
  • Pedro Perfeito da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


The present paper has as general objective to discuss the role of the State in the building of infrastructure and the industrial sector through a case study geographically and temporarily delimitated, the United States during the nineteenth century. It is based on the argument that the direction of the domestic infrastructure improvement is contingent on the State measures regarding the industrial development. In order to deepen this argument and to achieve the general objective, we first detail the set of infrastructural changes that took place during the nineteenth century, considering their relation to economic development. After this, we present the main measures of American State, which came together so that the advance in the infrastructure fostered a trajectory of industrial development.


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How to Cite
DALL’ONDER SEBBEN, F.; PERFEITO DA SILVA, P. Infraestrutura e desenvolvimento: estudo de caso sobre os Estados Unidos no século XIX: estudo de caso sobre os Estados Unidos no século XIX. Economic History & Business History, v. 21, n. 1, 5 Jul. 2018.