Reparações e dívidas no Entreguerras: as dificuldades político-econômicas da Alemanha à luz das contribuições de Hjalmar Schacht

  • Sarah Gonçalves Patrocínio Sartório UFES
  • Arthur Colombo
  • Diego Favorato


The article proposes to explain the main developments of the reparations payments of World War I (1914-1918) imposed on Germany. Initially the theater of operations of the war is presented: the human and material losses are mentioned, emphasizing these in some of the main battles that composed this great conflict, as the battles of Marne and Somme. With the end of the war, will be presented the new territorial reorganization of Europe, with the disintegration of empires and the emergence of new countries. Finally, the war reparations instituted in the Versailles Peace Treaty (1919) are discussed, so that the economic difficulties faced by Germany and France in particular appear as the central point of the discussion of this article.


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How to Cite
SARTÓRIO, S. G. P.; COLOMBO, A.; FAVORATO, D. Reparações e dívidas no Entreguerras: as dificuldades político-econômicas da Alemanha à luz das contribuições de Hjalmar Schacht. Economic History & Business History, v. 23, n. 2, p. 281-313, 29 Aug. 2020.