Theory of the firm: critique to neoclassical theory and heterodox approach

Theory of the firm: critique to neoclassical theory and heterodox approach

  • Achyles Barcelos da Costa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (Aposentado)


This paper discusses the economic theory of the firm through the analytical developmentes that have been devoted to this research object, called neoclassical and heterodox. The purpose is to diffuse the treatment of this institution beyond thar provided by the mainstream neoclassical. Thus, it is aimed to broadening the conceptual range available to the students of economics in the study of economic development. To achieve this goal, the paper focus the firm in historical perspective, discusses the main currents of the neoclassical approach and its limitations and ends with the contribution of heterodox vision.


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How to Cite
COSTA, A. B. DA. Theory of the firm: critique to neoclassical theory and heterodox approach. Economic History & Business History, v. 24, n. 2, p. 490-530, 21 Jun. 2021.