Santa Catarina's supply economy in the Portuguese empire (1750-1820)

Santa Catarina's supply economy in the Portuguese empire (1750-1820)

  • André Fernandes Passos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


This article seeks to understand how the supply production of Santa Catarina captaincy inserted itself in the Portuguese overseas expansion and South Atlantic economy. world economy through the insertion of its production in the colonial supply economy. For this, I have made a balance of the colonization process of the region in aspects regarding the settlement, slave trade,  and its production in a time cut known by historiography as the dynamism of the atlantic world economy. We have used, for this purpose, a dialogue with specialized bibliography and sources from the Overseas Council (1750-1820)


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How to Cite
PASSOS, A. F. Santa Catarina’s supply economy in the Portuguese empire (1750-1820). Economic History & Business History, v. 25, n. 2, p. 511-529, 18 Aug. 2022.