Formação da sociedade de classes e a necessidade de descolonização no Brasil

  • Jaime León Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Maria Malta Professora do Instituto de Economia da UFRJ. Coordenadora do Laboratória de Estudos Marxistas.


The objective is to analyze, through Florestan Fernandes’ contribution, the origins of the process of bourgeois revolution in Brazil since the specific Brazilian social formation under the dependent capitalism. The hypothesis stresses that this process, initiated with the 1930 coup, refers to the colonial conformation of the Brazilian society and it has determined: the conditions of a typically capitalist society in the country; the milestone for the Brazilian “people”; the ways that class consciousness in Brazil is shaped, both that of the bourgeoise and that of the working class; and the possibilities for social change as decolonization, by conditioning the type of possible democracy. This is an interdisciplinary work on History of Brazilian Economic Thought that follows the method of the controversies of economic thought developed by Malta et al. (2011).


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How to Cite
LEÓN, J.; MALTA, M. Formação da sociedade de classes e a necessidade de descolonização no Brasil. Economic History & Business History, v. 23, n. 2, p. 357-392, 8 Dec. 2020.