A Província de Santa Catarina na primeira metade do século XIX: ensaio sobre opressão econômica e suas repercussões

  • Hoyêdo Nunes Lins Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Power relations among states or among parts of empires mark modern history. Political units impose conditions on others, weaker ones, adversities normally arising in the latter. The article explores this issue by examining the Portugal-Brazil relations from the last decades of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, highlighting the situation of the Province of Santa Catarina. The effects of the Portuguese Alvará of 1785 prohibiting textile production in the colony are looked upon, and also the ports opening in 1808, followed by a new Alvará revoking the previous ban and by a trade treaty with Great Britain that largely benefited this nation. The conditions in Santa Catarina are described, focusing on its manufacturing and whaling. Positions concerning immigration, specially involving the Saí Colony, are considered.



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Author Biography

Hoyêdo Nunes Lins, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Departamento de Economia e Relações Internacionais
How to Cite
LINS, H. N. A Província de Santa Catarina na primeira metade do século XIX: ensaio sobre opressão econômica e suas repercussões. Economic History & Business History, v. 23, n. 2, p. 427-462, 8 Dec. 2020.