A critique of imperialism in the First Republic in Brazil

A critique of imperialism in the First Republic in Brazil

  • Vinícius Vieira Pereira Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES


This article seeks to show the existence, in Brazil, of a critical thinking towards capitalist imperialism, especially with regard to the imperialist policy practiced by the USA against Latin American countries, during the 19th and early 20th centuries, under the aegis the Monroe Doctrine and the ideal of Pan Americanism. In this way, the works of Eduardo Prado, Oliveira Lima and Manoel Bomfim stand out, Brazilian intellectuals whose theoretical contributions go back to the period of the First Republic and constitute an authentic, original and critical Brazilian thought to the violent form of American expansion at that time of world economic history, when the first concerns about capitalist imperialism began to arise simultaneously in Europe and the USA.


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How to Cite
VIEIRA PEREIRA, V. A critique of imperialism in the First Republic in Brazil. Economic History & Business History, v. 24, n. 2, p. 375-403, 21 Jun. 2021.