Celso Furtado's great political articulation for the creation of SUDENE, portrayed by “Correio da Manhã”

Celso Furtado's great political articulation for the creation of SUDENE, portrayed by “Correio da Manhã”

  • Vanessa Follmann Jurgenfeld UFVJM/UNICAMP


Celso Furtado's project for the transformation of the Northeast began in practice in 1959, a year that involved a great political effort so that, as coordinator of OPENO and CODENO, his interpretation of the Northeast and its development plan, which would result in the creation of SUDENE, were accepted by the majority of Brazilian society. The newspaper “Correio da Manhã” explicitly supported the project through editorials and made several reports on the subjects brought to the public debate by Furtado. Its pages are capable of revealing Furtado's great political articulation and his influence in the country's discussion around the historical and structural characteristics that shaped the northeastern underdevelopment, the increasingly unequal economic relations between the Northeast and the Center-South region, of importance of the industrialization of the region, of the great political interests surrounding the latifundios and the work of the DNOCS, among other subjects.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Follmann Jurgenfeld, UFVJM/UNICAMP
Professora da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) e doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela UNICAMP.
How to Cite
JURGENFELD, V. F. Celso Furtado’s great political articulation for the creation of SUDENE, portrayed by “Correio da Manhã”. Economic History & Business History, v. 24, n. 1, p. 98-130, 13 Dec. 2020.