Celso Furtado's ideas and method for thinking the 21st century

Celso Furtado's ideas and method for thinking the 21st century

  • Alexandre Macchione Saes Departamento de Economia - FEA/USP
  • José Alex Rego Soares Pós-Doutorado na FEA-USP


Abstract: The paper discusses how Celso Furtado's method and interpretation formed solid bases for his continuous analysis of the Brazilian and international economies throughout his nearly five decades of intellectual work. The structural historical method allowed Celso Furtado to observe the political and economic changes in the world, reviewing his own theses and indicating new dilemmas for society. When confronting Furtado's ideas with the most recently constructed economic policy in the country, we consider that his analysis proposal is still a powerful instrument to indicate ways to promote the desired social transformation project.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Macchione Saes, Departamento de Economia - FEA/USP
Departamento de Economia - FEA/USP
How to Cite
SAES, A. M.; SOARES, J. A. R. Celso Furtado’s ideas and method for thinking the 21st century. Economic History & Business History, v. 24, n. 1, p. 216-247, 5 Mar. 2021.