The Paths for the Development of Brazil: a Review of the Interpretations of Celso Furtado and Fernando Henrique Cardoso

The Paths for the Development of Brazil: a Review of the Interpretations of Celso Furtado and Fernando Henrique Cardoso


This article structures the underdeveloped condition of Brazil and the alternatives to overcome it by comparing the approaches of two prominent interpreters of the country's economic formation, Celso Furtado and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. The authors come together in several aspects but diverge in others in which they encourage the debate on interpretations, especially regarding the ways to overcome the underdevelopment of Brazil. The analysis of the two perspectives indicates that Furtado aims to present solutions to overcome underdevelopment by directing the productive forces towards technological development and facilitating the accumulation process, towards the endogenization of development, based on improvements for the community and increased external autonomy. On the other hand, Cardoso's approach comprises international relations to accelerate gains and skipping steps in the technological field, through responsible action by the State in a democratic political regime.


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How to Cite
FRANKE, L.; VIEIRA, M.; DUTRA FONSECA, P. C. The Paths for the Development of Brazil: a Review of the Interpretations of Celso Furtado and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Economic History & Business History, v. 26, n. 1, p. p. 172-207, 11 Apr. 2023.