Contemporaneity of John Rogers Commons’ Theory: Convergences with Post-Industrial Society

Contemporaneity of John Rogers Commons’ Theory: Convergences with Post-Industrial Society

  • Elson Mira UESC - Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz


This research analyzes the contemporaneity of John Commons' theory, a reference among the first economics institutionalists, at the beginning of the 20th century, when industrial production had greater relevance than today. It was sought to identify elements in post-industrial society that could be applied to his theory. The almost secularity of his work and contemporary socioeconomic foundations justify the paper. In addition to the economic theoretical reference of Commons, Social theory was resorted to specifically the post-industrial theses of Bell (increase in the production of services), Castells (informationalism and organization of society in networks) and Rifkin (access and sharing of assets as substitutes for ownership). It was possible to identify the contemporaneity of Commons' thought by relating these post-industrial foundations to his analysis of economic transactions and property rights.


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How to Cite
MIRA, E. Contemporaneity of John Rogers Commons’ Theory: Convergences with Post-Industrial Society. Economic History & Business History, v. 26, n. 3, p. 816-850, 29 Nov. 2023.