Dressing the Wehrmacht: Brazilian Cotton Exports to Germany, 1934-1940

Dressing the Wehrmacht: Brazilian Cotton Exports to Germany, 1934-1940

  • Henrique Pons Agnelli FFLCH-USP


This article investigates the development of Brazilian cotton trade with Germany between the outset of the 1930’s Brazilian cotton surge and the last cotton exports to Germany at the beginning of the Second World War. In order to analyze foreign interest in the product and evaluate the significance of these transactions in German demand for cotton, as well understand its importance in the Brazilian balance of payments and its diplomatic implications, especially with the United States, this article examines production and external trade data in addition to literature regarding Brazilian cotton development and Brazilian commercial and diplomatic relations with Germany and the United States during the Vargas Era.


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How to Cite
PONS AGNELLI, H. Dressing the Wehrmacht: Brazilian Cotton Exports to Germany, 1934-1940. Economic History & Business History, v. 26, n. 1, p. p. 110-140, 11 Apr. 2023.