State, transports and regional development: the road transport age in Minas Gerais, 1945-1982

State, transports and regional development: the road transport age in Minas Gerais, 1945-1982

A era rodoviária em Minas Gerais, 1945-1982

  • Miguel Victor Tavares Lopes UFMG
  • Marcelo Magalhães Godoy


The main purpose is to study the age of road transport in Minas Gerais, from the post Second World War to the end of the military regime. It is explored the internal and external factors that conditioned the implantation of the Brazilian most extensive road network, considering a periodization that picks up fluctuation and the cycles of constitution of the integrated transport system. It is analyzed the road infrastructure expansion according to the economical, technical and political matrixes that ruled the second transport modernization process, as well as the dynamic of grant, financing and road building. It is concluded that the age of road transport in Minas Gerais was fundamental to its peripheral insertion consolidation into the Brazilian interregional market. Minas Gerais was crossed by important national roads and was secondarily benefited, only ensuring the link between the regional centers to the national roads.


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How to Cite
LOPES, M. V. T.; GODOY, M. M. State, transports and regional development: the road transport age in Minas Gerais, 1945-1982: A era rodoviária em Minas Gerais, 1945-1982. Economic History & Business History, v. 22, n. 2, 19 Dec. 2019.