The structuralist-monetarist controversy and the interpretation of Ignácio Rangel in "A inflação brasileira"

The structuralist-monetarist controversy and the interpretation of Ignácio Rangel in "A inflação brasileira"

  • Hugo Carcanholo Iasco Pereira Cedeplar/UFMG
  • André Roncaglia de Carvalho UNIFESP


The inflationary experience of Latin American economies of 50’s has been explained by two theoretical lines, the monetarists and the structuralists. An alternative explanation is the book of Ignacio Rangel The Brazilian Inflation, originally published in 1963. Employing Marxist and Keynesian concepts, such interpretation is not widely known even in the Brazilian economic thought history. This paper aims to explore the Rangel’s contribution, comparing it with the mainstream contributions in 50’s. Specifically, it introduced the Rangel’s criticism to monetarism and structuralist theories, discussing its features and original findings on the Brazilian inflation.


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Author Biographies

Hugo Carcanholo Iasco Pereira, Cedeplar/UFMG

Aluno de doutorado do CEDEPLAR/UFMG e bolsista do CNPq. 

André Roncaglia de Carvalho, UNIFESP

Doutor em Economia pela USP e professor da UNIFESP

How to Cite
PEREIRA, H. C. I.; RONCAGLIA DE CARVALHO, A. The structuralist-monetarist controversy and the interpretation of Ignácio Rangel in "A inflação brasileira". Economic History & Business History, v. 22, n. 2, 19 Dec. 2019.